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Broker, Special Hire Driver Confess To Possessing 16 Bullets

By Our Reporter

A 34-year-old broker aboding at Katende, Bulajuku Zone in Mpigi district has confessed before the General Court Martial (GCM) in Kampala to illegally possessing a gun and 16 live ammunition. 

Siragi Ssenkungu admitted to the charges alongside his co-accused, Muzafaru Kataza, 38, a special hire driver and resident of Katende village in Mpigi district. 

The duo confessed on Thursday (September 21, 2023) after the GCM chairperson Brig. Gen. Robert Freeman Mugabe read to them two counts of unlawful possession of a firearm and ammunition. 

Under the law, the charges contravene sections 3 (1) (2) (a) of the Firearms Act, Cap 299, and attract a maximum sentence of 10 years in prison upon conviction.

“After your own admission to have heard and understood the particulars of the offence, a plea of guilty is hereby entered for you Ssenkungu and Kataza for counts one and two,” Mugabe said. 

State prosecutors: Lt. Col. Raphael Mugisha, Lt. Alex Rasto Mukhwana, Private Anthony Phillip Olupot, and Private Regina Nanzala, told court that brief facts would be availed on the next adjournment. 

“My lord chairman, our brief facts are not readily available. We, therefore, seek an adjournment to the nearest date for us to avail the same,” Nanzala told court. 

The defence, led by Maj. Silas Kamanda Mutungi and Private Priscilla Kakande did not object to the prosecution’s want of adjournment, prompting court to adjourn the case to October 16, 2023, for brief facts. 

Prosecution alleges that on or around January 16, 2022, while at Katende, Kiwamirembe in Mpigi district, Senkungu and Kataza, were found in unlawful possession of ammunition to wit; 16 rounds of live ammunition, the said ammunition ordinarily being a monopoly of the Defence Forces. 

That during the same place and time, the duo was also found with unlawful possession of a firearm to wit SMG rifle S/No. 49005799, the said rifle being ordinarily a monopoly of the defence forces.

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