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Panic: Lamwo Leaders In Hot Soup For Wetting Their Beaks With PDM Cash

By Dan Komakech | New Vision

A section of local leaders and civil servants in Paloga sub-County, Lamwo district are being investigated after reports that  they benefited from the Parish Development Model (PDM) programme. 

The Resident District Commissioner Geoffrey Osborn Ochieng confirmed that the probe is on after complaints from locals who reported that their leaders had erroneously benefitted from the programme and deprived the intended beneficiaries. 

According to Ochieng, some cases have been reported in Paloga Sub-County, where beneficiaries included teachers and councilors. 

Ochieng says his office has summoned the implicated leaders and civil servants to file their defence and warned that once found guilty will be required to refund the money or face prosecution.   

This investigation is the second in which leaders are being implicated with the previous one where the Chairpersons of Padibe and Katum Sub-Counties were compelled to refund 1,000,000 shillings each which they irregularly received under the PDM program.

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