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Stop Staggering On My Bazzukulu's Land: Museveni Buys Ugx9b Land For Ffumbe Clan

By Our Reporter 

President Museveni has finally fulfilled his promise to the Buganda Kingdom's clan chiefs of buying for them free land worth Ugx 9bn.

The head-of-state made the pledge during a meeting in March 2023 with the Bataka at State House Entebbe.

The clan heads among them including Omutaka Walusimbi Mbirozankya, the head of the Ffumbe clan in the meeting cried to Museveni how they were struggling to get where they can set up their offices.

Omutaka Walusimbi appealed to the President to help them secure the two and half acres of land near Bulange Mengo which they need to set up their offices and other developmental ventures to benefit the Kingdom something that Museveni finally responded to and this has been fulfilled this month when the land was finally cleared by State House.

Now, this is seen as a relief for the family of late Semei Kiwanda Walusimbi who have been in wrangles with the Ffumbe Clan both claiming for ownership of the land situated at block 186 plot 3, Bakka in Wakiso district.

It's said that this land was fraudulently transferred and registered into the names of Registerred Trustees of Ffumbe clan depriving the direct beneficiaries of their interests.

In a letter inked by Bukenya Frod, the LC3 Chairperson Mende Subcounty in Wakiso District, he asks the area Resident District Commissioner to intervene in these matters or else there will be bloodshed from the rival parties.

[caption id="attachment_4700" align="alignnone" width="225"] Mr Bukenya's Letter[/caption]

''Refer to the above I hereby introduce to you the grandchildren and direct beneficiaries of the Estate of the late SEMEI KIWANDA WALUSIMBI in 1998 and left land as per the document annexted A and B hereby attached.
Upon a consent judgement entered on the 30th /6/2011, letters of administration of the properties and credits of the late SEMEI KIWANDA WALUSIMBI were granted to FAISI MILLICENT NALUMANSI NSINJO (Daughter) to the deceased on the 12/07/2012,-(see copy attached Annex C). However, the said land has been fraudulently transferred and registered into the names of REGISTERED TRUSTEES OF FFUMBE CLAN depriving the direct beneficiaries of their interests. The aforementioned land is equivalent to 1011.3h.a. covering parts of Bakka and Lugeye and belongs to an individual but not Ffumbe clan. The purpose of this communication therefore serves to refer family members to your office for interventions since the matter seem to cause insecurity,'' reads Bukenya's letter.

Matters later esclated and reached the offive of the Minister of Lands Hon Sam Mayanja who called for the meeting to resolve the impasse between the two parties.

Read His Full Letter Below To Wakiso RDC

As you are aware we have had discussions over the issue of land at Busiro Block 186 Plot 3 Bakka Wakiso District where the land above captioned is claimed by Ffumbe clan through the reigning Walusimbi as head of the Ffumbe clan, and a one Nsobya who is the son of Walusimbi who claims that the land belonged to Walusimbi as a person not Walusimbi of the clan leadership. It is clear from the information I have received that if this matter is not handled well, it may result into bloodshed.
I am therefore scheduling a meeting for Tuesday 22nd August 2023 at 11:00am to be held in the Ministry's Boardroom with the stakeholders in order to find a solution before we proceed to the locus.
Please inform the following stakeholders to be present in that meeting:-
(i)The reigning Walubsimbi of Fumbe clan;
(ii)Nsobya George Wilson;
(iii)Namayanja, Nakato, Nalumansi the Administrators of the Estate of the late Semei Walusimbi who regard this land belonging to their father and not in the capacity of Walusimbi the clan leader.

By copy of this letter I am requesting Brig. Gen. Christopher Damulira Director Crime Intelligence to send a representative to this meeting. I have also invited the Commissioner Land Registration from the Ministry of Lands, Housing and Urban Development or his representatives and Mr. Robert Bogere Assistant Administrator General is also invited in a special way to guide on issues of inheritance.''

[caption id="attachment_4699" align="alignnone" width="225"] Minister Mayanja's Letter[/caption]

However, it is said that this meeting didn't yield any positive result which saw matters escalating to President's office who then ordered the Ffumbe gets a share on the Ugx9billion land he has bought for clan heads so that they stop distubiong the family of late Semei Kiwanda.

Land Belongs To Semei Kiwanda: Proof Of Ownership

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